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4.6 Million UK Businesses Are Losing Out On Almost £80 Per Appointment With ‘Friendly’ Clients

Nov 09, 2023
  • A new study by Yell reveals more than 85% of businesses could be losing out on almost £80 per appointment with ‘friendly’ clients as a result of not charging for additional time spent 
  • The research, which surveyed small business owners from across the UK, also reveals (75%) find it hard to set boundaries with their clients, with 98% replying to business queries during their personal time 
  • Shockingly, of those who’ve attempted to set boundaries with their clients, 3 in 5 (59%) have been met with negative responses 

For small business owners, the line between personal and professional is much harder to define than for most employees, and new research by has revealed that a staggering number of business owners are potentially losing out on hundreds of pounds a week as a result. 


The study, which surveyed just over 250 owners of small businesses in the UK (up to 50 employees), sought to find out more about how business owners separate the professional from the personal, and the impact this can have on their finances, particularly at a time when many small businesses may be struggling to stay afloat. 


With three-quarters (75%) of small business owners stating they find it hard to set boundaries with their clients, it’s clear that many have difficulty when it comes to drawing the line. The nature of small businesses means they will often engage with the same customers on a regular basis and go on to develop closer relationships with them than the average high street brand would. According to the survey, 86% of business owners work with clients that have become friends or already were, though these numbers rise to more than 94% for those in the beauty sector, and 90% in the trades. 


The vast majority (82%) of business owners admit that they take more time with ‘friendly’ clients, spending an extra 25 minutes on average with each of them, compared to their usual work time. Though working with someone you consider a friend may seem like a perk, the reality suggests that financially, this may not be the case at all. 


Over Three Quarters Of Small Businesses Lose Money On Appointments That Overrun 


With 85% of business owners not charging for this additional time, this results in a considerable amount of unpaid working hours. Less than ideal at a time when the cost-of-living crisis has made things increasingly difficult for the self-employed, the extra 25 minutes could amount to an average loss of £78 per appointment (based on the average hourly charge of £188.44 revealed by the study). This is a particular concern in the likes of the beauty industry, known for its high frequency of appointments and long-term clients. 


Megan, a Beauty Influencer and Nail Technician at Gel By Megan commented: “My services are often a ‘treat’ for clients, who will have finished their working day, which can mean they take time restraints less seriously, and don’t mind the appointment lasting longer than it should. For them, it might just be twenty more minutes, but they don’t see how this can impact my working day. After two years of being self-employed, getting customers to see this side of the extra time spent has been one of the hardest things to navigate.” 


Outside of lost earnings, the blurring of personal and professional has also been proven to take a toll on business owners’ free time; 98% of those surveyed admitted to replying to business queries within their personal time, with this number sitting at a staggering 100% for those in the beauty and trades sectors. 


This is likely down to many small businessowners finding it hard to tackle the issue or having been put off from a bad experience when previously trying to enforce time boundaries or payment terms, with more than half (59%) saying they’ve received negative responses from customers when trying to do so. 


How Can Business Owners Set Boundaries With All Customers? 


Despite these difficulties, Sarah O’Rafferty at Yell has detailed four things business owners can start doing, to set boundaries more effectively and therefore get paid the fees they should and keep their free time free. 


1. Communication is key 


“A lot of business owners can immediately be on the back foot when an appointment is overrunning, because they haven’t already communicated any extra costs that will be incurred to the customer. Having to backtrack and try to get this extra fee paid after the time has been spent, is where a lot of these negative responses can come from, as customers could feel ‘cornered’ into paying more, or that they haven’t agreed to the additional spend. 


If you feel your session might overrun or are mindful that previous sessions have done so with that particular client, it's always best to communicate before this happens of any additional fees, or that you are simply unable to spend the time due to other commitments. This way, both yourself and your customer will be in agreement, and there’s no grey area, no matter how close your relationship is”. 


2. Visualise these boundaries 


“It’s one thing having the conversation and being in agreement, but there are ways you can make this even clearer. Detailing any policies on your website, and directing all new or existing customers to these, and any changes in them, will go a long way. You can then refer to these during appointments too, to continue to set the boundary. 


Having these policies present on a website or even social media bios can be particularly useful for customers that contact you out of your working hours. Listing these clearly manages expectations of when you will and won’t respond. There’s a reason large companies have their customer service opening hours clearly displayed wherever you can find contact details for them. It should be no different for your business, no matter how big or small you are.” 


3. Truly separate work from your personal life 


“On that note, it isn’t all up to your customers to read your website, your policies and when you are available to answer phone calls or reply to messages, you need to manage your time too. When starting up, many businesses owners opt to use the same phone number and e-mail address for the sake of ease, however ignoring calls or messages when they’re right there in front of you is easier said than done. Simply by setting up a business e-mail and purchasing a low-cost work phone that you can switch off once the working day is done, will go a long way to solving this problem, and setting those much-needed boundaries.” 


4. The power of saying ‘no’ 


“Finally, a big skill to learn in any businesses is being able to say no. There can be a tendency to want to agree to everything, please everyone and take every job on, but it simply isn’t possible. Remembering that you’re the boss and that you make the rules is key. Politely declining a request or making it clear up front that an appointment needs to finish at a particular time will help to manage expectations with your customers and, in the long run, help them to respect you and your business more”. 


To find out more about how businesses can manage customer expectations, set boundaries and build their online reputation through a variety of channels such as websites, social media and business listings, visit:  



We partnered with Censuswide to survey 251 UK small business (up to 50 employees) owners that offer services to customers. The survey covered a range of questions about the boundaries that they have with their customers, and how ‘friendly’ clients affect this. 


Responses were analysed nationally, as well as by industry sector and number of employees. 

Survey conducted in October 2023. 


Yell Ltd exists to connect businesses and consumers via its leading marketplace for local services and offering managed digital marketing helping businesses to find, connect and sell to consumers online. Yell Ltd is a proud Google Premier Partner, Microsoft Advertising Elite Channel Partner, and Meta Business Partner.

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03 Oct, 2024
Research by driving experts at Yell has revealed that Leeds and Belfast are officially the best cities to be a learner driver. With driving lessons averaging at £33 per hour in Leeds, this city makes an affordable choice for most learner drivers at 13% less than the national average of £38. Belfast is 3% above the average of £38, but learner drivers benefit from short wait times of 10 weeks. Demand for driving lessons is at an all-time high as the backlog from the pandemic continues. Until driving test capacity increases, the backlog is expected to only get worse, with high-demand areas having seemingly no end in sight. In 2024, there are an estimated 3,712,728 learner drivers in the UK competing for driving test slots, but the Driving Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) can only accommodate 2,042,976 of them. This means that demand for driving tests is expected to exceed capacity by 82%. This pressure only continues as data from the DVLA shows that , from January to March 2024 (Quarter 4), 666,000 car theory tests were conducted in Great Britain, an increase of 12% from January to March 2023 (Quarter 4). Equally, from January to March 2024 (Quarter 4), 561,000 car practical tests were conducted in Great Britain, an increase of 25% from January to March 2023 (Quarter 4). The delays in booking tests and the ongoing backlog are causing major frustrations for both drivers and instructors. Learners are having to take more lessons to make up for the additional waiting time and instructors are unable to take on more drivers due to the backlog. According to a survey from car insurance provider Marmalade , 77% of learners have cited that the extra cost of more lessons has been their biggest frustration. DVSA says that learners will need an average of 45 lessons to pass a test , working out around £1,710 per student. However, with wait times for tests now at an all-time high at an average of 21 weeks across the country , driving instructors and their students are in a crisis. Learners across the country are facing a postcode lottery when it comes to waiting for a driving test slot, and most centres are seeing over double the wait times of pre-pandemic levels, which saw an average of only 6 weeks. Leeds and Belfast revealed as the best cities for learner drivers in the UK Taking into account the average cost of driving lessons in each city, the average wait times and driving test search demand, Yell has created a list of the best cities to be a learner driver in 2024. It’s revealed that Leeds and Belfast are officially the best cities to be a learner driver. With driving lessons averaging at £33 per hour in Leeds, this city makes an affordable choice for most learner drivers at 13% less than the national average. While driving test wait times are still relatively high at 20 weeks, this is one week less than the national average, and search demand in the city is slightly less than the national average, seeing 1,700 searches each month. Belfast averages £39 for driving lessons, which is 3% more than average, however drivers benefit from short test wait times at only 10 weeks. Belfast also has a smaller search demand of 1,400 searches each month for “driving lessons Belfast”. London is ranked as the worst place for learner drivers. The average driving lesson costs are second highest in the country at £41 per hour, 8% over the national average. London has the second highest wait times at 23 weeks, which is mirrored in its monthly search demand, which is the highest in the UK with over 2,800 searches for “driving lessons London” each month.
27 Aug, 2024
New research by driving experts at Yell has revealed the UK’s top 10 speed camera hotspots and which regions are catching drivers out this summer. Looking at police records from every county across the UK between the periods of July 2023 and August 2023, the experts at Yell have revealed that Surrey takes the top spot for the most speeding violations in the UK with 22,811 between July and August 2023. In 2023, 203,801 people were found guilty of a speed limit offence - this is a decrease of 8% when compared to the previous year, but an increase of 85% since 2011. Across the UK, there are now around 7000 cameras on the road networks, catching drivers out across the country - from speeding violations to using a phone whilst driving, or parking illegally. Below, the driving experts at Yell have identified the top ten speed camera capitals in Britain: Top 10 UK regions with the highest number of speeding offences The UK’s number one speeding hotspot in the UK is Surrey with 22,811 speeding violations between July-August 2023 . Within Surrey, the speed camera hotspot that has been catching the most drivers on the road is the M25/M3 Junction. The location coming in second for the most speeding violations is West Mercia. West Mercia saw 21,266 speeding violations in the period of July-August 2023, with the M5 J8 SB speed camera catching the most speeding violations. The location coming in third highest for speeding violations is Nottinghamshire, with 16,400 violations being caught. The M1 North Bound between Junction 26 and 27, Notts has been identified as the location that catches the most speeding violations in Nottinghamshire between July-August 2023.
01 Jul, 2024
Wimbledon kicks off on July 1st and is expecting around 54.3 million people to be watching the matches this year. With that many eyes on the revered courts, it is understandable why Brits will be attempting to replicate their own Wimbledon-worthy lawn at home this summer. In the run-up to the biggest tennis event of the year, search demand for “how to make your lawn green” has increased by 85% over the last 14 days. With this in mind, gardening experts at Yell have spoken to gardener and landscaper Simon Akeroyd to find out how to achieve a Wimbledon-worthy lawn at home this season. The most popular lawns in the world Wimbledon is a quintessentially British event known for its lush green courts that have been meticulously groomed for 15 months before the championships. The Wimbledon Centre Court is one of the most famous lawns in the world thanks to its nine tonnes of grass seeds being planted every year with precision, and daily maintenance that helps create the Perennial Ryegrass courts we see today. The most popular lawn in the world when looking at search demand is The Old Trafford Cricket Ground, with a monthly search demand of 8,000. Kensington Palace Gardens comes in second for the most popular lawn in the world, with a monthly search demand of 3,300. Taking third place is the Wimbledon Centre Court, which sees a monthly search demand in the UK of 2,200.
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